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133 items found for "constituion of india"

  • Transformative Constitutionalism

    In countries like India, the constitution plays a crucial role in addressing inequities, biases, and In the case of Justice Puttaswamy (retd) vs Union of India, which is also known as the right to privacy Whereas in the case of the National Legal Service Authority (NALSA) VS Union of India, the judgment of Union of India, section 377 was decriminalised, which was about the same-sex relationship between adults of India

  • Navigating the Constitutional Tightrope: A Case Study on the Constitutionality of Self-Regulatory Bodies in the Indian Media Industry

    As India continues to navigate the evolving media landscape, the constitutionality of self-regulatory Union of India (2006), the Supreme Court emphasized the need for an independent regulatory authority, Union of India (2007) case. As India navigates the evolving media landscape, the constitutionality and effectiveness of self-regulatory In the 2022 World Press Freedom Index, India ranked 150th out of 180 countries, indicating significant

  • The Constitutionality of Citizenship Amendment Act

    Union of India, explained the concept of limitation on plenary power as:- “…The power of amendment is that trans-border migration of population has been happening continuously between the territories of India Millions of citizens of undivided India belonging to various faiths were staying in the said areas of Pakistan and Bangladesh when India was partitioned in 1947. Many such persons have fled to India to seek shelter and continued to stay in India even if their travel

  • Global Constitutionalism Amidst Global Pandemic

    The present COVID crises have offered a new hotspot on the prospects of global constitutionalism. It is of paramount significance that we rethink global constitutionalism, as human health is no longer It's time global constitutionalism is taken into the full deal and the only solution would be sharing which explains why governments should swiftly shift their understanding of international law and global constitutionalism Global constitutionalism is the ultimate quick fix for all global concerns.

  • Same-Sex Marriage in India

    Historical Evolution of Homosexuality in India Same-sex relationships in India are not a recent phenomenon This was an enormous accomplishment for the LGBTQ population in India. Union of India & Ors."  Decided Case on Same-Sex Marriage in India Supriyo Chakraborty v. In conclusion, same-sex marriage is still a complicated and sensitive topic in India.

  • EWS Reservation In India: A Blow To Social Justice?

    The Supreme Court of India ultimately established clear guidelines for interpreting the affirmative action clauses in the Indian Constitution with the ruling in the case of Indra Sawhney v. Union of India . Eleven indicators were presented by Justice B. The development of reservation jurisprudence in India particularly in the context of EWS reservations In Union of India v.

  • Legalisation of Same-Sex Marriage in India: A Dream or Reality?

    The former Chief Justice of India had said, Human dignity is the quintessence of Human Rights. History of the Homosexuals in India Historians have long argued that pre-colonial Indian society did Union of India decriminalised homosexuality and abrogated section 377 of the Indian penal code which There is no particular law in India relating to marriages of the LGBTQ community people. Virginia, the same way inter-caste marriages are still frowned upon in India.

  • State Control over Education: An Emerging Need for India

    In a diversified country like India, this is not always possible. What can India Learn from these Countries? Best-suited Solution for India  India has become the most populous country   in 2023, surpassing China India is currently facing several issues in the area of education. The diversity of India since the framing of the constitution has not decreased.

  • Shreya Singhal v. Union of India: A Critical Analysis

    Union of India [ii] is a landmark judgment that has reiterated the intent of the constituent assembly The instant case is a writ petition filed under Article 32 of the Constitution of India pleading that Code, 1860, Indian Evidence Act, 1872 and the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.” Supreme Court and even discussed the American Jurisprudence to distinguish the notion of liberty in India Union of India, W.P. (Crl.) 167/2012: 2015 SCC Online SC 248.

  • Electoral Bonds: Depicting the Real Picture in Case of India

    Introduction In recent years, electoral funding has become a topic of significant discussion and debate in India In 2019, the Supreme Court of India heard a petition challenging the legality of electoral bonds. A Case for Judicial Review of Legislative Process in India? How Electoral Bonds Distort India’s Democracy. /27935_2017_1_1501_50573_Judgement_15-Feb-2024.pdf India. (1950) The Constitution Of India.

  • Secularism: A Study in the light of the Constitution of India

    Introduction India is one State endorsed with rich cultures that are distinct in language, dressing, Religion has been the key differentiating between the cultures inherent in India. The word "Secularism" derives its essentiality from the constitution of India under Freedom of Religion The Constitution of India provides for a Secular State. Secularism is the real strength of India as the biggest democratic country in the world.

  • Responsible Journalism during the Pandemic in India

    for the sake of reaching a particular conclusion, every individual in a Constitutional Democracy like India While India provides for the Freedom of Press, further entailing the right to access information its The extent of responsible journalism in India during Covid-19 Ideally, journalists are expected to publish circulate such content which is capable of inciting violence within the territorial jurisdiction of India The Press Council of India is vested with the task of ensuring that the Newspapers etc. do not publish

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