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133 items found for "constituion of india"

  • The Third Gender: Protection or Discrimination? A Critique of Transgender Rights Act, 2019

    Hotel Association of India held that personal autonomy and self-expression are protected under Article Union of India , gender identity was recognized as one of the most fundamental aspects of life and every It was said that the continued discrimination against the transgender community in India is contrary Union of India , the Hon’ble Court held that the right to privacy is a fundamental right under Art. 14

  • Prolonged Pursuit of Justice for Bilkis Bano

    The most astonishing thing is the delay that the Indian judiciary shows in disposing of the case concerning Union of India (Bilkis Bano Case’) The Rape incident took place on March 3, 2002, after Bilkis and her Bilkis Bano moved a writ petition to enforce her rights through Article 32 of the Indian constitution denied the right to vote, which is the most basic right and most important one given to citizens of India The Supreme Court of India has laid down various factors for granting remission in Laxman Naskar v.

  • A Balancing Act: Sedition and The New Nyaya Sanhita Bill

    proposed legislation, which lies under the title of ‘Acts endangering sovereignty, unity and integrity of India ,’ Sedition law in India since the inception of the Indian Penal Code, has been known for its draconian Introduction Sedition law in India, defined under Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), has recently contempt or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards the Government established by law in India Vombatkere Versus Union of India, The Supreme Court stopped the enforcement of Sedition; it directed

  • A Precautionary Measure?: The Demarcation of Separation of Power Between Judiciary and Legislature

    law student at Symbiosis Law School, Pune Introduction Separation of Powers is a phenomenon on which India In Article 53(1) , the President of India is vested with the executive functions of the nation. There are various reasons which emphasise the importance of Separation of Powers in a country like India Raj Narain, 1975 SCC (2) 159   is a piece of history in the politics of post-independent India. of India and she won the seat of her constituency fairly.

  • Unveiling the Veil: Assessing Corporate Donor Privacy in Electoral Funding

    Authored by Kunal Parihar, a 3rd-year law student at National Law School of India University, Bangalore Introduction In a unanimous decision in Association For Democratic Reforms vs Union Of India, 2024  on Donors: Unraveling the Constitutional Implications When delivering the judgment, the Chief Justice of India regarding the political affiliation of corporate donors and is especially pertinent considering reports indicating Considering the considerable control of the state over the State Bank of India, it is not difficult for

  • Cash For Vote: Decoding The Contours of Parliamentary Privileges In Light of Sita Soren Judgment

    Union of India, 2024. In doing so, the court overruled the controversial P.V. Further, it discusses the scope, ambit and purport of parliamentary privileges in India, as has been In India, Articles 105 and 194 of the Constitution deal with the powers, privileges and immunities of Attorney General of India). Overruling P.V. decided not to take on the herculean task of defining parliamentary privileges upon itself and conferred Indian

  • (LGBTQIA+): The Spectrum of Human Sexuality and Gender

    Introduction India’s society is “Orthodox,” “Misogynist,” and “Homophobic.”  It was India’s first officially codified law pertaining to homosexuality. Union of India, a bench of Justices K.S. Radhakrishnan and A.K. Union of India.  Union Of India. D. Y.

  • SEBC Status to Gender Minorities? – Pragmatic Interpretation from the Madras High Court over the NALSA Verdict

    Union of India that opened up  such a possibility.  Reservations to Gender-Minorities: Horizontal-Vertical Divide Reservations under the Indian Constitution Union of India , but leaving the phrase “backward classes” open-ended under Articles 15(4) and 16(4) Union of India  ((2014) 5 SCC 438), expanded   the scope of Articles 15(4)  and 16(4) of the Indian Constitution reservations over vertical, an inference may be drawn to the clarification petition  filed by the Union of India

  • Federalism and Fundamental Rights: An Analysis of Part III of The Constitution

    Federalism In India According to Prof. In India, Federalism has combined features of Federation and Unitary government which is why India is Nexus: According to Article 245, Parliament can make laws for the whole territory of India. (i.e. takes effect outside the territory of India). In the case of A. H. However, few Fundamental rights are guaranteed only to the Citizens of India.

  • Unlearn, Re-orient and Govern: Exploring Justiciability of DPSPs for Sustainable Development

    within the framework of the Indian Constitution. Looking at the Indian Constitution, several of these should be available to all citizens as a part of This distinction holds good even in the Indian context between fundamental rights and DPSP. Meanwhile, the Courts of India, Supreme Court, and High Courts have been interpreting Fundamental Rights Union of India.

  • With Great Freedom, Comes Great Responsibility: Enforceability of Fundamental Duties

    anti-secessionist strikes, for instance, the Khalistan movements, which have caused significant tensions between India The Indian Scenario Fundamental duties were initially not a part of the Indian Constitution. However, 10 fundamental duties were added under Article 51A of the Indian Constitution under the 42nd Union of India, where the court directed the closure of Tanneries close to the river Ganges near Kanpur Union of India (Taj Trapezium Case) case, where the court banned the usage of coal and cake and directed

  • To What Extent Is The Abrogation of The Sedition Law Justifiable?

    Penal Code, a colonial-era law on sedition, and its application in contemporary India. Union of India, the former Chief Minister, expressing his views on the Ladakh situation, suggested that the ambit of reasonable restrictions, it must be in the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India Union of India, two girls were arrested for commenting on a Facebook post under section 66A of the Act The sluggish pace of the Indian judiciary system adds to the challenges.

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