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133 items found for "constituion of india"

  • Kunal Kamra v. Union of India: Challenging the Constitutional Validity of the 2023 IT Rules Amendment

    Authored by Kunal Parihar, a 3rd-year law student at National Law School of India University, Bangalore Union of India , the petitioners challenged the constitutional validity of a 2023 amendment to the Information In light of this, it becomes imperative to examine the constitutionality of the amended Rule 3(1)(b)( Government or its authorised officers to block public access to any information in the interest of India's Union of India , the Supreme Court ruled that legitimate expectations can only be overridden in the public

  • Enrica Lexie Case and Indian Jurisdiction

    Ruling of the Supreme Court of India in Enrica Lexie CaseThe ruling The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India Analysis of the Award Passed and Indian Jurisdiction But the question as to Whether India losing its India's stand that UNCLOS isn't worried about issues identifying with the immunity was solid. What Should Be India’s Next Step? , India has acknowledged the Tribunal’s decision and is persistently adhering to it.

  • Ensuring Dignity and Rights : A Comprehensive Analysis of Elderly Rights in India

    Provisions To Protect Elderly People In India In India, laws and constitutional protections were passed Directive Principles of the Constitution of India. The Union Government of India has implemented the National Policy for Older Persons. This legislation is the inaugural personal law statute in India. Maintenance and welfare provisions hold a prominent position in India.

  • Private Pursuits, Public Interests: India's Higher Education Odyssey

    India has the largest and oldest educational system in the world. Education in India - Triad of Constitutional Significance In India, education holds a special place as Background: India's Higher Education In India today, children between the ages of 6 and 14 have a fundamental Education As A Public Function In India In India, the concept of education sits at the intersection of Regulatory Challenges With Regard To Private Universities In India: India lacks a legally regulated framework

  • Reproductive Rights Under Indian Constitution

    The Constitution of India acknowledges a significant number of these rights as Fundamentals Rights which Additionally, India is a signatory to various international conventions which include the International It contains certain grounds, under which, abortion is legal in India. This implies that abortion in India is only legal if done in good faith for medical purposes. Reproductive Rights under Article 21 Albeit India being one of the first countries to legislate legal

  • Indian Fishermen: Life of Exclusion and Neglect

    But this sacred feature fails to confer on the Indian fishermen. that they were doing their work in the waters and had inadvertently crossed the invisible line between India India and Pakistan frequently arrest the angular as there is no comprehensible demarcation of the maritime Development to Date In 2008, India and Pakistan had formed a judicial committee consisting of four retired This issue of Indian fishermen is absolutely a human issue.

  • Criminalisation of Indian Politics Amidst Elections: The Road To Eligibility Test

    Union of India . Qualification: The Need For An Eligibility Test The very preamble of India qualifies and portrays India As for India, it is the Constitution of India that is at the highest pedestal and governs as the law In the case of Union of India v. Union of India and Union of India v. Association for Democratic Reforms .

  • Constitutionality of Racial Quota System in Admissions vis-à-vis Affirmative Action in USA

    government or state government infringes on an individual’s guaranteed rights, he/she may challenge the constitutionality The court will apply any of these three types of scrutiny to test the constitutionality of the law in In strict scrutiny, the presumption of constitutionality does not apply, so, the burden of proof for the constitutionality of the law/statute is on the state. Bollinger (2003), the Supreme Court reiterated Bakke’s ruling and upheld the constitutionality of a race-conscious

  • Is it Completely Illegal in India to Have Marijuana?

    But it is still barred in the Middle East and Asia, including India. Marijuana in India Marijuana in India is known to have been in use since at least 2000 BCE. The Britishers, due to the widespread use of cannabis in India, conducted a study entitled The Indian The possession of marijuana (except bhang) in itself is illegal in India. It is high time for India to amend the NDPS Act to back the cultural significance of cannabis in India

  • Scope and Ambit of Article 31C of the Indian Constitution

    Constitutionality of Article 31C Though the judgments in Keshavananda’s case are voluminous divergent to take away Court’s power of judicial review, which is an essential feature of the Constitution of India in Keshavananda’s case on the ground that judicial review is a basic feature of the Constitution of India

  • National Seminar | "Examining Contemporary Constitutional Challenges: Privacy, Rights and Federalism in India": 13th April 2024

    Concept Note of National Seminar Exploring contemporary constitutional challenges in India, this seminar Federalism and Revenue Sharing Mechanisms Federalism and Environmental Governance Note: The list is only indicative All (final) submissions should be sent with a separate cover letter indicating: Name of the Author(s)

  • Death Penalty and Its Evolution in the Indian Legal System: A Critical Study

    The dawn of Independence brought about a new era in the judicial system of India. The Indian Penal Code in accordance with the provisions enshrined in the Constitution of India provided to manage with them we've a veritably strong laws in India. Though in India it's given only in the rarest of the rare cases. ://

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