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133 items found for "constituion of india"

  • Overview on Right to Education and the Constitution of India.

    In some contexts, it has been revealed that different states in India have failed to maintain the basic Minorities are the integral part of democratic set up in country India has accommodated minorities since the culture educational right of the minorities, incorporated in the constitution of India basically Right to Free Education is a Fundamental Right In India, the topic of mandatory and free education has rights regarding education has been considered as a great and vital achievement for the children in India

  • Federalism: Catharsis in Indian Democracy

    Until 1935, the British ruled India with a unitary system of government, but the Government of India Unlike the USA, India is not a model federal state as in the case of India the unitary state was turned Union of India, [xv] a nine-judge bench enunciated that the Indian Constitution is federal. [x] The Constitution of India, Article 249. [xii] The Constitution of India, Article 356 [xiii] AIR 1962 SC 1406.

  • From Ideals to Foundations: The Evolution of Secularism in India's Constitutional Bedrock

    organised by The Society For Constitutional Law Discussion The evolution of the Basic Structure concept in India The Basic Structure Doctrine is a legal principle in some countries, most notably India, that considers Union of India, which formally held Secularism to be a part of the Basic Structure. Modern secularism in India now encompasses the process of emancipating social and cultural institutions Union of India case had its roots in a highly contentious context. During Prime Minister V.P.

  • Article 12 of the Constitution of India: Brief Analysis of Its Constitutional Jurisprudence

    As our Constitution makers were of the view to make India a welfare state & a mere glance at the preamble Object & Meaning of the Term 'State' under Article 12 under the Constitution of India To make fundamental The term “state” now defined in Article 12 of the Constitution of India was introduced as Article 7 in or under the control of the Government of India. By the virtue of this article Parliament of India, Legislature of each States, Local authorities & other

  • Right To Recall Elected Representatives in India: A Utopia

    Constitution’s Silence The Constitution of India does not have a mechanism by which an elected member Coalition Governments The scheme under the Parliamentary System of Governance in India is such that the The Right to Recall may tend to deepen further the sense of instability that already exists in India First Past the Post System in India The ‘First Past the Post System’ coupled with the ‘Right to Recall In a densely populated nation like India, the threshold for the number of signatures needed to start

  • Much Awaited Response: Legalising Active Euthanasia in India

    not many resources that cover the idea of active euthanasia and how it might benefit a nation like India This article aims to explain what euthanasia is and its different aspects, further the Indian perspective The Supreme Court of India has previously rendered a judgment on this matter that it should remain illegal reasons and leaves no stone unturned to cover all the perspectives as to why it should be legalised in India

  • Gender Neutrality in Domestic Violence Laws of India: The Neglected Male Side

    Union of India held that “the right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 is not limited to mere Domestic Violence Against Men: An Insight into the Figures and Statistics In India, where the Legislature In India, despite the data present on domestic violence against men, people are still under an impression Union of India, adultery was decriminalised citing violation of Article 14 as one of the grounds. protected under Articles 1, 2, 7 & 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, of which India

  • Censorship on Creativity vis-à-vis Chilling Effect in India

    particularly highlighted the issue of raids on BBC offices after the BBC launched the documentary “India India is a democratic country where freedom of speech and expression is considered a fundamental right In India, Romesh Thappar v. The Supreme Court of India struck down Section 66A of the IT Act and declared it unconstitutional. Union of India. In Anuradha Bhasin v.

  • Does the DPDPA 2023 strengthen the Right to Privacy in India?: A Constitutional Perspective

    In India, the Digital Personal Data Protection Act (“DPDPA”) is the latest and most significant legislation The right to privacy has been recognized and expanded by the Supreme Court of India in several landmark Union of India, Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) v. Union of India, or Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India. Union of India and Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India, have expanded its scope and recognition.

  • Shreya Singhal v. Union of India: A Critical Analysis [Part-II]

    Union of India[ii] the Supreme Court has held that freedom of speech and expression is subject to reasonable Union of India,[iv] it was held that freedom of speech and expression guaranteed under Article 19 (1) Union of India[xii], wherein the Court explicitly held that fundamental freedoms under Article 19 are DURGADAS BASU, COMMENTARY OF THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA 2256(8th Ed. 2007). [ii] (1985) 2 SCR 287. Union of India, AIR 1958 SC 578. [xiii] S. Khushboo v. Kannaimal, (2010) 5 SCC 600.

  • Homosexuality in India: Born Different

    This article throws light on section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which refers to the penalizing of all Union of India [iv], the five-judge bench led by CJI Dipak Misra sullied section 377 of the Indian Penal The Special Marriage Act, 1954 The Act states that all the people of India and outside countrymen can References [i] Keni, Times of India, ‘Being Homosexual or Bisexual is normal, it’s time for society to Union of India, (2018) SC 4321 [v] India Today's, 'What is Special Marriage Act?', 6 March 2021

  • Realism Practiced in the Indian Supreme Court: A Critique

    freedom to profess and practice religion is a Fundamental Right guaranteed to them by the Constitution of India The constitutional history of England, the United States, and also of India shows that whenever judges While deciding the extent of this power in India, the nature and fundamental characteristics of the Indian that the Constitution provides for Judgement delivered by higher courts enjoys the status of law in India I would conclude my words by quoting the comment made by former Chief Justice of India, ‘When a question

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