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133 items found for "constituion of india"

  • Legal Validity of Live-in Relationship

    Concept of Live-in Relationship The concept of a live-in relationship came to India in recent times. Live-in relation is considered in India as an outcome of modernization but it is not completely true. Live-In Relationship in India The concept of live-in relationships has spread throughout the whole world In India, there are 11 fundamental rights. Article 21 is one of them. the view that a live-in relationship is a personal choice of a person and also the constitution of India


    Union of India & Anr, where the Hon’ble Supreme Court directed the incorporation of the option of “None India has witnessed 17 Lok Sabha Elections since Independence, but it was not until 2013 that the voters The Constitution Bench consisting of Chief Justice of India, P. Chief Justice of India P. Union of India & Anr, 10 SCC 1 (2013). [iii]S. Raghbir Singh Gill v. S.

  • Transition to Virtual Courts: Delayed But Necessary

    BVDU, Pune Introduction About less than a year ago, when the first 'virtual court' was established in India Challenges Faced by Virtual Courts in India Adhering to the Open Court Principle The principle of open According to a 2017 report by The Hindu, approximately 71% of Indians did not have access to the internet Digital literacy is needed among the masses as much as the availability of the internet in rural India From the first common law court established in India as the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William

  • Call for Blogs: The Society For Constitutional Law Discussion (Accepting on Rolling Basis)

    (Use of India Code for statutes and original Judgment from the website of the Hon’ble Court is suggested wherever necessary instead of Indian Kanoon).

  • Artificial Intelligence: An attack on RIGHT to PRIVACY

    setting up a task force for AI and developing a national strategy - #AIFORALL to harness AI in India In India, the right to privacy is intrinsically rooted in the Right to Life and Personal Liberty under Puttaswamy v Union of India . India is yet in the speculation phase for enacting a data privacy regime. The privacy policies and regulations in India must be lucid and understandable.

  • Pending Bail Applications Violating Fundamental Right under Article 21

    the legal fraternity and compelled us to re-think about the efficacy of justice delivery mechanism in India In its various judgements, the Hon’ble Supreme court of India has said that, “detention of undertrial The legal system of India is based upon the “presumption of innocence of the accused until the guilt This arising situation seems to be totally different from set norms by the Supreme Court of India and has led to infringement of fundamental rights enshrined in Article 21 of the Constitution of India.

  • The Strange Case of Invocation of “Due Process” in Defense of a Tweet

    of this country and whereas the former cannot overshadow the latter, the vice-versa also cannot be constitutionally argument that Twitter must follow all orders from the government if it wishes to conduct business in India complaint by the aggrieved organization, if anything, is testament to Twitter’s commitment under the Indian

  • Article Writing Competition: The Society For Constitutional Law Discussion (Deadline Extended)

    The competition invites undergraduate students from all over India to submit well-researched articles enrolled in any undergraduate course or its equivalent in any University or Institute within or outside India Participants will be required to submit an original, well–researched article written in English (UK/India

  • Call for Campus Ambassadors: Apply by 15th November 2023

    The Society For Constitutional Law Discussion (TSCLD) is seeking Students from law colleges across India follows: Enhancing outreach and engagement within the student community of various law colleges across India

  • Is Regulating the News Channels a Violation of Article 19?

    Introduction Freedom of speech and expression is guaranteed to all the citizens by the Constitution of India of the right conferred by the said sub-clause in the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India Article 19 vis-à-vis News Channels in India The press or news channels in India have no special rights News channels in India are not regulated by the government and there is no statutory regulatory mechanism


    . - Supreme Court of India, D.K Basu vs. State of West Bengal. Delhi Administration, AIR 1978 SC 1575 (India). [6] Ibid [7] U.P vs. Ramasagar Yadav, AIR 1985 SC 416 (India). [10] D.K Basu vs. state of W.B AIR 1997 SC 610, (India). [11] Selvi and Others v State of Karnataka AIR 2010 SC 1974 (India).

  • Targeted Social Media Posts and Elections

    The app was designed to take psychometric tests of users who consented to it based on five indicators These indicators were openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Even their clothing acted as an indicator of their political affiliation with Republicans or Democrats The incidents of booth capture and destruction of ballots are still fresh in the minds of India.[14]  Journal of the Indian Law Institute, vol. 41, no. 1, 1999, pp. 44–55.

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